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Child Care Services Association

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Raised: $0Remaining: $5000

Child Care Services Association (CCSA) is a nationally recognized nonprofit working to ensure affordable, accessible, high quality child care for all families through research, services and advocacy. We are more than just an agency working to improve child care; we are also an association of groups, individuals and volunteers committed to supporting the right of young children and their families to have the best possible life.

Child Care Services Association provides free referral services to families seeking child care, technical assistance to child care businesses, and educational scholarships and salary supplements to child care professionals through the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® and Child Care WAGE$® Projects. CCSA licenses its successful programs to states across the country and provides consultation to others addressing child care concerns.

Headquartered in the Triangle region of North Carolina, CCSA is a leader and advocate in child care services on the local, state and national level. We collaborate with many partners, businesses and stakeholders to address needs within the child care system. CCSA is only a part of the broader community’s commitment to create systemic changes affecting everyone. As we grow, we come closer to the day when all children, and their teachers, have the tools they need for success.

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