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Scott Phillips
is fundraising for U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants North Carolina Field Office
At USCRI, we believe we have a shared responsibility to clear obstacles and uncover opportunities for people everywhere. So, when lives are uprooted by force or by choice, we fight alongside those on the path to independence. Our mission is for immigrants, refugees, and uprooted people to live digni
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants North Carolina Field Office
3824 Barrett Drive Suite 200 Raleigh, North Carolina 24609
EIN: 13-1878704
Summary: At USCRI, we advance the rights of those who have been forcibly or voluntarily uprooted. For over 100 years, the unwavering committment of our leadership, team, network of service providers, and advocates has helped redirect the destiny of countless vulnerable lives. We have set a goal of $5,000. We have more than one month until The Great Human Race event and we are confident that with the support of the community we can reach our goal.