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Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education

Raised: $0Remaining: $250


At SCALE, we believe that literacy is more than just reading and writing. Our definition involves critical thinking and action. Increasing literacy skills helps learners achieve their goals and empowers them to be more effective advocates for both themselves and their communities. As a result, literacy is a tool for personal and social transformation and a vehicle for social justice.

We promote a participatory, learner-centered approach to literacy in which power in the program and in the classroom is shared with learners, volunteers, and community members. Shared decision making – about lesson content, choice of reading materials, or program evaluation – makes our outreach more relevant to individual and community literacy needs.

Further, to be effective, we address, and invite you to consider, the larger societal contexts of education. How do culture, class, and other “isms” influence our opportunities? Which policies create greater opportunity, and how can we be a voice for those policies?

Our Programs

SCALE supports campus-based literacy programs locally, statewide, and nationally. We work with all types of program models, including:

  • America Reads
  • Adult Basic Education
  • Youth Literacy and Mentoring
  • English for Speakers of Other Languages
  • Family Literacy
  • GED Preparation
  • Workplace Literacy
  • Advocacy and Activism.

The college students serving in these programs include volunteer/paid tutors or coordinators, AmeriCorps members, VISTA members, and service-learning students.

Our Services
SCALE provides a full range of technical assistance and support to campus-based literacy programs. Our services include:

  • The Read. Write. Act. National Conference
  • On-site trainings for members or affiliates
  • A Resource Lending Library of print and video materials
  • Discussion lists focused on child literacy, adult literacy, and program management
  • A website rich with online trainings, sample tutor training agendas, SCALE publications, and a searchable database of information and recommended articles and books


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