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I am a fundraiser for

Orange County Rape Crisis Center

Raised: $100Remaining: $400

First, thanks so much for visiting my page - showing up is the hardest part, right?

As you know, Lucy and I have been working with the Center for several years, and now Frank is here to help build a better world too. The OCRCC continues to pursue its mission and we continue to appreciate your support. Thanks again for making OCRCC's work possible...


Survivors and thier loved ones supported
Increase in Spanish-speaking clients helped over the past 2 years
Youth and adults reached with prevention programs
Support groups and workshop series held for over 70 survivors
The Orange County Rape Crisis Center provides 24-hour crisis intervention services to survivors of sexual violence. Our services include our 24-Hour Help Line, support groups, workshops, and therapy referrals. The Center also offers educational programs for both raising awareness about sexual violence and teaching prevention skills.

"A little help?"

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