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Orange County Rape Crisis Center

Raised: $0Remaining: $350

Thanks for visiting my Fundraising Page for the Great Human Race!  I am raising money to support the Orange County Rape Crisis Center.  The Crisis Center does so much for the Community - It's time to give back to them.  Your donations go towards our counselors going into each classroom in Chapel Hill- Carrboro Elementary Schools to teach "Safe Touch" to our children, 24-Hour Help lIne, Support Groups, Community Events and so much more.

As for me, I serve as a member of the Executive Board for the Center.  Since my term began in 2012, I have become aware of just how much Sexual Violence there is in our Community.  “I would never have believed how many rapes and assaults go unreported in our small town because victims are scared to come forward for many different reasons.”

Please help us all put a STOP TO SEXUAL VIOLENCE one foot at a time.  We need your support.

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