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NBN Sports, Inc.

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Raised: $0Remaining: $300

The reason we come to work is simple.  We know there is a desperate need in our community to help kids recognize and achieve their own unique potential.


Through education. But not just books and literature. After all, we have to have some type of way to get them through the door. And with the instilled passion that the founders of NBN Sports have for basketball, sports was naturally the only way to go.

OUR STORY                       

NBN (Nothing But Net) Sports began in 2006, when founder Reggie Parker went to visit his mom - a principle at a local elementary school. While waiting, he noticed a boy dribbling a basketball in the office. Excited to see the kid's enthusiasm, Mr. Parker struck up a conversation with the boy, inquiring about what basketball camp he was going to attend that summer.

"I'm not going to any sports camp this summer. My mom can't afford it."

Those two sentences alone were the sole motivation behind NBN Sports. While initially the organization began by offering high quality basketball camps at a low cost - focusing on underprivileged youth, Mr. Parker soon began to see that what was needed was much more than simply basketball fundamentals, skills and drills. These kids needed something more, to help assist in their overall physical development, personal character, and educational support.


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