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Justin J. Davis Heart Foundation

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The Justin J. Davis Heart Foundation

Donations made will go towards an AED machine to a local high school just in case one of the athletes pass out from cardiac arrest they can be shocked.

To educate, empower, inspire, support and promote positivity to patients and their families affected by Congenital Heart Defects (CHD), Heart Failure (HF) and the prevention of Sudden Cardiac Arrest/Death (SCA/SCD .
Justin J. Davis Heart Foundation is committed to raising awareness, providing education and training to prevent sudden cardiac arrest and/or death (SCA/SCD) in youth, young adults and athletes. We will promote education, training and raise awareness about Congenital Heart Defects (CHD), Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) and heart failure through heart screenings, health fairs,  CPR/AED training, encouraging healthy heart habits to students, athletes, coaches, teachers, friends, families and the community at large to positively affect people and change as many lives as possible.  
· Host/Facilitate/initiate and promote low or no cost heart screenings to youth/young adults to detect possible (CHD) or conditions that may lead to SCD
· Collaborate with, support and network with other community organizations 
· Provide support to persons (youth/young adults) with or affected by CHD/Heart Failure
· Provide low or no cost AED’s to local community gathering places, sports associations
· Facilitate/initiate/Promote CPR/AED Education programs and training events
· Provide opportunities to volunteer at “Justin J. Davis Heart Foundation” events 
· Empower, encourage and assist community organizations to collaborate and implement their own AED/CPR Education 


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