This is my first year serving on the Johnson Service Corps Board of Directors. I have been very impressed with the program and with our seven young adults currently enrolled as JSC members.
The Johnson Service Corps, based at The Chapel of the Cross in Chapel Hill, is affiliated with the national Episcopal Service Corps. Our JSC members are serving vulnerable members of the community by partnering with
a variety of non-profit and social service organizations in both Chapel Hill and Durham. Through a year of leadership training, mentoring, and living in intentional community, they grow as compassionate and effective servant leaders.
JSC is expanding its presence in Durham to better meet the needs of that community. The program relies on donor support, so I am asking for your help by sponsoring me in the April 30 Great Human Race.
As a personal disclosure, I will be out of town and unable to actually walk the five miles on April 30, so I have designated, as my representative, the intrepid corgi, Corgimon. With six-inch legs, Corgimon's walk will be truly
inspiration and worthy of your support. Please give generously to help us meet our goal of $1,000!
You can learn more about the program (and I hope you will) at
Thank you, thank you!