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Indigo Consortium

$0.00 contributions
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Raised: $0Remaining: $5000

Welcome to the Indigo Consortium page!
Every women we meet is unique, varied and complex, and so is the assistance she needs. We provide in-house comprehensive individualized services and support. We are committed to assisting in her transition back into family life, her community, the work place, and her pursuit of happiness.

Women who serve in the military experience various challenges in obtaining the assistance she requires. This is incredibly frustrating, because she risked her life to serve and now is unable to receive the care she needs when she returns.
Join our efforts to raise $5000.00 so we can continue to serve her!
Shawn M. Ross, Executive Director

You can make a donation on this page by simply checking one of the boxes. Email this page to your family, friends, co-workers and others so we can meet our goal.
Event Details:
When:               Saturday, April 22, 2017 rain or shine
Where:              Durham Bulls Athletic Park (Blackwell Street)
Registration:    7:15am - 8:15am (early registration for runners is April 1)
Run starts:       8:30am
Walk starts immediately following runners (participate free)
Grab your tennis shoes and walk or run for Indigo Consortium. Then come by our table on so we can meet you
Visit our website at www.Indigoconsortium.org for additional information.

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