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I support

Families Moving Forward

Raised: $0Remaining: $750

This is my second year as secretary of the board of Families Moving Forward (Prior to the merger with Genesis Home, I was on the board of Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network).  I serve because all of our Durham neighbors, especially those most vulnerable, deserve dignity and support.

Most people aren't aware that my background, stemming from my college internships with a family homeless shelter and grassroots coalition to end homlessness, is focused on poverty issues.  Prior to being on the board I was on a Circle of Support team, a year long committed relationship to walk with a family transitioning out of homelessness.  

Working in the diverse Durham public school system, I see every day children whose families live on the edge and the striking impact poverty has on young lives. 

My girls walk with me because their eyes are open to the needs in their community.  My involvement with Families Moving Forward is very much a family commitment.

Our goal is to raise $750 - not impossible when friends, family, co-workers and teachers are able to contribute even $5 in support of our efforts.

With sincere thanks,

Kimbie, Annie and Molly Sprague

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