I support the Durham Literacy Center
Durham Literacy Center - Race to Read
When I learned about the Durham Literacy Center through a friend of mine, I began volunteering as a coach for the Teen Career Academy. Every Wednesday, I work with students - between 18 and 24 years old - who have either dropped out or have been kicked out of high school for various reasons. Our work centers around balancing life and school, communicating effectively rather than entering into conflict, asking for help, resume building and job interviewing skills. My students are incredible people, dedicated to changing their lives through education and subsequent employment. Their first step is getting a GED. Many of them want to go on to college or trade school.
The Durham Literacy Center is an amazing place, and one that needs all the support they can get! My goal is to raise $1,000 for the center - or enough money to provide 40 GED books for current and future students in the Teen Career Academy. Each book is $25, so please contribute what you can.
With all of my gratitude,