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The Community Empowerment Fund

Raised: $0Remaining: $1000

The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program invests in young leaders who strive to make transformational contributions to society.

The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program was created in 2000 through a $24 million gift from Julian Robertson, a 1955 graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill, and his wife, Josie. Inspired by their sons, one of whom graduated from Duke in 1998 and another who graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in 2001, the Robertsons believed that each institution offered a distinctive undergraduate experience, but that the combination of the two promised a breadth and de
pth of resources that no other university could match.

We are fundraising for the 
Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) because we strongly believe in CEF's mission.

CEF is a student-powered non-profit organization focused on enabling and sustaining transitions out of homelessness and poverty. We are passionate about sustaining transitions out of homelessness, and want to help leverage the combined resources of amazing volunteers, partners with a shared belief in mission, and collaborations across a wide spectrum to support each person uniquely and holistically.

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