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Boomerang Youth, Inc.

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Raised: $0Remaining: $2500

Boomerang is a non-profit organization in Orange County, NC, working with youth ages 11-19.

Our primary goal is to foster social and academic self-efficacy in middle and high school students who are at risk of disengaging from school. We do this by helping students to identify their core strengths and to leverage these to build their individual capacity for addressing personal and academic challenges. Students set SMART personal and academic goals and build the social-emotional competencies and other skills they need to achieve their goals. We work with families and schools to support students, and provide individual follow-up.

We provide an alternative to suspension program with extended follow-up and support, and school-based weekly support groups for middle schools.  Our complementary programs include college planning workshops, back-to-school STEAM camp for rising 6th, 7th and 8th graders, and career readiness & entrepreneurship summer workshops for high school students and recent graduates.

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